Je suis fan du Château Ambulant, film d’
Un véritable régal, en enchantement, une envolée poétique et enchanteresse ! J’ai adoré !
C’est l’histoire de Sophie, habitant la ville de Market Chipping en Ingary, un pays où tout peut arriver. C’est l’histoire d’une Sorcière qui a jeté un sort, d’un magicien Howl se déplaçant dans un mystérieux château ambulant sombre jetant une fumée noire, de Calcifer le feu de cheminée et de beaucoup d’autres personnages qui s’articulent pour conjurer les différents mauvais sorts.
Diana Wynne Jones était une auteure britannique qui a écrit plus d’une trentaine de romans fantastiques.
Un extrait :
« In the land of Ingary, where such things as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility realy exist, it is quite a misfortune to be born the eldest of three. Everyone knows you are the one who will fail first, and worst, if the three of you set out to seek your fortunes.
Sophie Hatter was the eldest of three sisters. She was not even the child of a poor woodcutter, which might have given her some chance of success. Her parents were well to do and kept a ladies’ hat shop in the prosperoustown of Market Chipping. True, her own mother died when Sophie was two years old and her sister Lettie was one year old, and their father married his youngest shop assistant, a pretty blonde girl called Fanny. Fanny shortly gave birth to the third sister, Martha. This ought to have made Sophie and Lettie into Ugly Sisters, but in fact all three gorls grew up very pretty indeed, though Lettie was the one everyone said was most beautiful. Fanny treated all three girls with the same kindness and did not favor Martha in the least. »